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Chicago’s Whiskey And Wine Festival Returns

Chicago’s Whiskey And Wine Festival Returns

Feb 20, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

Enjoying a relaxing afternoon or evening with some great tasting whiskey and wine samples is an excellent way to spend a Saturday afternoon with friends or your significant other. You’ll have the opportunity to accomplish just that on Saturday, February 24th at Joe’s Bar in Chicago. The Chicago Whiskey and Wine Festival plans to offer you many samples of both whiskey and wine, some great live entertainment, and a enjoyable time.

Wine, Whiskey, And Good Times

The Chicago Whiskey and Wine Festival, as an event, was designed to help you celebrate some of your favorite wines and whiskeys while allowing you to sample some tastes you have probably never experienced before. The event will be hosted at Joe’s Bar, located on Weed Street in Chicago. At the event, you’ll get the chance to sample many wines and whiskeys, enjoy some live entertainment, shop from local vendors, and purchase excellent food in case you get hungry. The event will be put on in two sessions. Session I runs from 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM, and Session II will run from 3:30 PM until 6:30 PM.


Tickets for Chicago’s Whiskey and Wine Festival feature different prices depending on the type of tickets you want to get. The event will be held at Joe’s Bar in Chicago, and there are two different sessions you can choose from. The first session runs from 12 PM to 3 PM, and the second session runs from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM. You must be twenty-one years of age or older to attend the event, and you do need to bring your ID. Also, there are no refunds once you purchase your tickets. Ticket prices are below:

  • Session I Ticket, 12 PM: $30. This ticket buys you three hours of tastings and a unique Chicago Whiskey and Wine Festival glass. You’ll also get 15 tasting tickets which allows you to sample many whiskeys and wines, and access to the event which includes live entertainment.
  • Session II Ticket, 3:30 PM: $40. This ticket offers you everything the Session I ticket provides, just at a different time.
  • Session I Group Ticket, 12 PM: $35 per person with at least four people. You’ll get three hours of tastings per person, full access to the event including the live entertainment, and 15 tasting tickets so you can try the whiskey and wine samples, and each person receives the Chicago Whiskey and Wine Festival Glass.
  • Session II Group Ticket, 3:30: $40 per person for four or more people. With this purchase, you get everything the Session I Group Ticket offers.

If you get hungry at the event or want a different beverage, Joe’s Bar will be open to serve you, so make sure you bring extra money to purchase what you need. If you are interested in learning more about the Chicago Whiskey and Wine Festival, or if you want to purchase tickets, please visit the event website located here.

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